

our earliest ways of being are so often forged by that which is repeated—whether that be in the form of actions, or words, or the total lack thereof altogether.

we take what is repeated around us and many of us will then go on to repeat those same behaviors, thoughts, or outcomes ourselves.

portions of it may be even pre-programmed or pre-destined within the very helices that spin and twirl and twist, encoding us and all that we be.

until it is not.

until we shine light, shed layers, and shape some distance between that which has been repeated to us and that who we’d like to be.

and then a new game of repetition begins.

a game that involves interrupting endless patterns, despite elasticity that they’ve created in our nature.

a game that involves a fraying of what we’ve known or believed or filtered to resonate as truth.

a game that allows us to place just an extra instant between a stimulus and a response in order to show up differently, in more extensive authenticity, in deeper alignment.

so to those of you consciously choosing to interrupt patterns, we see ya.

you are transforming more than you know, impacting more profoundly than that which can be conceived.✨


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