co-regulation at home
co-regulation in the household
it is common knowledge that the affect of pets tends to mirror that of their owners.
a dog who trends towards anxiety often has an owner that leans towards the more anxious side.
we’ve seen this time and time again.
would it be far reaching to embrace the idea that this same concept could be applied to the affect and behaviors taken on by our children?
we think not.
from day one, our kiddos have one job, and that one job is to fit in with their nuclear family. in the more primitive days, their ability to blend and act “like” was dependent upon it.
this primitive program is imbued into the very proteins that make up our dna.
this ability to “fit in” will determine how accepted they are by their greater community.
in today’s more siloed-off communities, that community looks like parents and children, and then onto school age, and so on and so on.
so what is the role of the adult and the so-called “super co-regulators”?
to continue on your own path of healing.
to continue to do your own work that supports you in clearing that which you do not need.
to immerse yourself in your own support systems of super co-regulators when you need it, because ultimately, we were never meant to do this alone.