the physiology of our gut instinct

life asks us to constantly extend, to reach, to lend, to continue onwards by any means necessary.

we demonstrate our ability to be flexible and to “say yes” until we literally cannot any longer, resulting in moments of overwhelm and overlow.

these “yes’s” that would serve us better to be “no, not right nows” linger in our body. physically, they tend to present in one of two ways:

hypermobility — movement and motion that exists beyond a state of integrity in a system

hypomobility — a locking down of the system to bring about protection that could not be found in any other way

both serve a purpose, revealing the same story in two different ways, in two different seasons, in two different waves.

and in these moments of stability-seeking, what would it feel like to simply be...held?

to be relinquished from the need to make decisicions, to put one foot ahead of the other, the care for all that is within your gravitational pull with the exception of that which resides at it’s center?

do we even know how to be held anymore?

at the inside space, we are here to hold. we are not here to do the work for you, but to provide an instant in time and space, during which nothing needs to be done except to


the “why” behind skin on skin


the most potent force on the planet — the maternal instinct